Bas4r. Let’s make it a little spicier

What is Bas4r?
Bas4r is a fork of Bas3r with additional functions. The protocol tokens will be closely connected and dependent on each other. There is going to be a new Uniswap pair Bas3r/Bas4r connecting both tokens.
Bas4r Protocol Features
1. Rebase function
Rebase function pegged to the DEFI index.
Rebase function will be called every 24 hours.
Maximum Rebase Percentage will be 100% on the upside and 50% to the down side each day.
There will be a new Uniswap pair introduced (Bas3r/Bas4r) connecting both tokens. The two protocols (Bas3r & Bas4r) will have 12 hours timeframe from each rebase. This will lead to people going back and forth depending on the current rebase percentage and trend of the protocol. This will definitely bring volume and awareness.
2. Holders Yield Generator
Holders will receive rewards without staking or transferring tokens, which will avoid any fees and gas. Every transaction made on the Bas4r protocol will have 2% redistribution fee. This fee will be distributed proportionally to all addresses holding Bas4r. This function is automatic and instant.
These 2% of the function will be fixed.
3. Liquidity Incentive
There will be 2% liquidity tax on each transaction, which will automatically go to all liquidity providers on Uniswap proportionally.
4. Liquidity Mining
15% of all the initially minted tokens will be locked in a contract for Liquidity Mining. These tokens will be distributed proportionally to the people, who provide liquidity in the protocol. The liquidity mining will proceed for 1 month.
So everyone who adds liquidity will earn:
1. Holders Yield Generator rewards;
2. Liquidity Incentive rewards;
3. Liquidity Mining rewards.
5. Gravity address
Gravity address will be funded with 50 000 Bas4r (10%) at the time of initial deployment. This principle amount can never be transferred or removed.
10% of all the Holders Yield Generator rewards will go there.
Rebalanced Bas4r tokens from “Rebalance Function” will go into the Gravity address.
6. Rebalance Function
Rebalance Specifications:
* 1% of the liquidity locked in the contract will be removed;
* 50% of the initial Liquidity will be locked in a Rebalance feature;
* Every 3 hours everyone will be able to call the function;
* 5% of the tokens — received by the caller of the function as an incentive for the gas they spent;
* 95% will go to the Gravity address.
When the rebalance function is called:
1. 1% of the liquidity locked in the contract will be removed and split into ETH and Bas4r;
2. The ETH is used to market buy Bas4r immediately;
3. All the Bas4r tokens from those two transactions will be sent to the Gravity address (95%) and the caller (5%).
There are 100ETH and 1000 Bas4r in The Rebalance Feature. Rebalance Function is called. The contract removes 1% of these (1 ETH and 10 Bas4r) and market buys Bas4r with the 1 ETH available (now the contract has 20 Bas4r). After this, the 19 Bas4r are immediately sent to the Gravity address and 1 Bas4r is sent to the caller.
All these functions will be available on our Dashboard
Bas4r is going to have a really interesting mix of functions and we believe each one of them will match perfectly to each other and will lead to a steady grow in value.
Bas4r Token Metrics.
Initial Supply: 500 000
Separated into:
Presale: 200 000 (40%)
Liquidity Mining: 75 000 (15%)
Gravity Address: 50 000 (10%)
Treasury: 25 000 (5%)
Uniswap Bas4r/ETH Liquidity: 100 000 (20%)
Uniswap Bas3r/Bas4r Liquidity: 50 000(10%)
Presale Information
1. Specification:
Hard cap: 50 ETH
Maximum Contribution: 1 ETH
2. Who will be whitelisted in the presale?
There will be 100 whitelisted addresses, so you need to contribute fast or you might lose your spot.
Only Bas3r holders will be able to participate in the presale. The whitelisted addresses will be divided in the following manner:
- Top 50 Holders of Bas3r addresses get on the whitelist.
- 40 randomly picked addresses get on the whitelist. (You need to be one of the top 200 holders of Bas3r)
- 10 Partners/Influencers’ addresses get on the whitelist.
3. Snapshot Time:
The snapshot of all the holders’ addresses will be taken 2 hours before the start of the presale. So everyone, who wants to participate in the presale should be a holder before this time.
4. How will the presale be conducted?
The presale will be held through our own smart contract. You will be able to interact with the contract via our Website UI. After you successfully contribute, you will have to claim your tokens. The tokens will be available to be claimed 10 minutes after we are listed on Uniswap.
5. When will the presale start?
The presale will start at 17 December 6 PM UTC and will be running for two hours. All the unsold tokens will be sent to the gravity address.
Bas4r will be listed on Uniswap shortly after that.(5–20 minutes)