Bas3r Liquidity Incentive

Bas3r is happy to announce the launch a liquidity incentive. In order to increase the liquidity and bring more and bigger players in the game, our team decided to distribute 5% of the team tokens (1800 $Bas3r — talking before 12th December rebase) equally to all the liquidity providers.
How long will the liquidity incentive continue?
The liquidity incentive will stay for 48 hours. After this time frame the rewards will be distributed. Keep in mind you need to have at least 24 hours of providing liquidity to qualify for the rewards.
How will the rewards be distributed?
The rewards will be distributed proportionally to all the LP-s. For example, if there is a total of 10 UNI-V2 LP tokens that filled the google form and you have 1 UNI-V2 LP token, you will get 10% of the rewards (meaning 180 tokens (around 360$ at current price)).
How to participate?
1 — You need to add liquidity on Uniswap. Go to :
2 — Fill out the Google form provided below with the following information:
- Ethereum address that you provided liquidity with.
- Transaction that you provided liquidity with. (You should fill out a new Google form for every transaction you have made.)
- The amount of LP tokens you hold.
3 — You need to provide liquidity for at least 24 hours to be eligible for the rewards.
Here are the current Liquidity Providers :
If all the criteria are met, you will receive the rewards on 14 December at 1 PM UTC.
Thank you for your support!